Dear Friends & Parishioners
Welcome to the website for the parishes of St. Joseph and St. Paulinus.
Over time I hope that we can make it a really useful source of information for the parishes.

It should be where you can find the newsletter & news from parish groups.
You might be able to say how the last few weeks have been for you & your family. Perhaps you would like us to pray for a subject or a cause.
Please help me make it useful & tell me what information you want it to carry.
You might be able to suggest some good links to share with people.
Please feed me information by email & the site will be adapted to suit us all.

Please note that we will make our Stations of the Cross
throughout Lent at the following times:
throughout Lent at the following times:
Tuesday 6.15pm – St Joseph’s
Friday 10.30am – St Paulinus’